Monday, July 9, 2007

VBS Adventures - Day 1

Well day 1 is done and finished! Yeah! It seemed to go really well and without too many glitches. The kids seemed to really enjoy the stations too. I have Windsurfing as my station and my name is Gale Winds...and our bible story is in Luke, about Jesus calming the storm. Our theme verses for the week come from Psalm 139. I had the 5-6 year olds today and are they ever full of energy!!! It is really neat how each one is so personality and such. I think God must find much delight in creating each one of these precious souls...His creativity is amazing! And to think that He knows each and every detail of these rambunctious kids, and loves them so very much already. My prayer for this week is that God's love and message will shine through each and every lesson, song and story...and that these hearts we have been entrusted with this week, will be touched in a very special and lasting way.

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